
‘Hypnoaudio’ is the term I use to cover any audio or training course which uses the techniques and theories of hypnosis. These audios all fall under the banner of ‘hypnotherapy’ – they use hypnosis to access the listener’s subconscious or unconscious mind in order to create a positive therapeutic result.

* All videos and audios which have a hypnotherapy component are coloured green in my You Tube channel to help you find them.

The goal of my hypnoaudios is to positively change the way the listener thinks, feels and behaves – to identify unhelpful beliefs and to re-write them with positive ones instead, creating a much healthier ‘reality tunnel’. The listener can then let go of their unhelpful thoughts, feelings and behaviours, and instead create a new reality for themselves, full of happiness, positivity and gratitude.

I use a mixture of Cognitive Hypnotherapist and Traditional Hypnotherapy. I have also been trained in various other techniques including Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), techniques used widely in Cognitive Hypnotherapy (see here for my full bio). I am able to offer hypnotherapy audios which deal with a wide range of issues.

* Susan is currently in the process of moving all of her work across to her You Tube channel www.youtube.com/@pieces-of-mind, so that she can provide them to anyone who may need them for free. Going live in March 2024.

All of my hypnosis-based audios will create varying degrees of ‘trance’, also known as an ‘hypnotic state’. Some of the audios only require a very light trance, where the listener is still completely aware of what is going on around them. Others will invoke a deep trance, where the listener becomes very relaxed and may no longer be as aware of the world around them. Deep trances are used for specific techniques, or for creating a deep sense of peace and relaxation.

Some of my hypnoaudios require active participation by the listener. Perhaps the listener will need to visualise their emotions as a colour or shape and then manipulate them, or perhaps they will be asked to rate their level of anxiety and then actively squash it until it changes. In other audios, the listener might be asked to so things like visualise past traumatic events on a timeline and then carry out steps to ensure that the negative emotional response is removed from those events.

I also create hypnoaudios that do not require active participation. The listener can just float away and allow the words to access their subconscious and create positive change, while they drift in a beautiful state of relaxation. Whichever technique is used, the end goal is that the listener is able to use their own subconscious or unconscious mind to create positive changes in their life through the guidance of our voice.

It is important to note that, whether the listener goes into a light trance or a deep one, it still remains unsafe for them to be driving, operating machinery, or doing anything which requires concentration. I would therefore stress that my audios should never be listened to unless you are in a safe, comfortable space where you can relax and take a break from the world for a short time.